Monday, October 28, 2013

B's Letterman Jacket

B earned his varsity letter as a freshman in wrestling last March.  We told him  he could choose between a class ring and a letterman's jacket and he chose the jacket.  I had kind of put it off since then, but two weeks ago I took him in to Taylor'd Footwear in Sunnyside to pick out his jacket.
So many choices!  B was overwhelmed by all the choices you can make on a jacket...everything from piping around the pockets to every color on every part of the two grapplers stitched on the back.
I couldn't believe it today when they called only two weeks later to say that the jacket was ready!  We left for the store as soon as I got home from work to pick up his jacket.  It's perfect!

B really likes it and is happy with the way it turned out.  He earned it, and I hope he enjoys it and is proud of his accomplishments every time he puts it on.

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