Sunday, March 2, 2014

53rd Annual Sukiyaki Dinner {Sunday Snapshot}

Today was the 53rd annual Sukiyaki dinner at the Buddist temple in Wapato.  We look forward to going to this dinner every year...the food is wonderful!  Last year B wore shorts to this event, and this year it's SNOWING!  Here is Cara outside in the snow all dressed up and ready to go:

I love her smile and I think she looks so beautiful in her Chinese silks. :)

Here's our table!

Dinner was fantastic, as usual.  Now our tummies are full and we're already looking forward to next year. ;)

For more Sunday Snapshots, click here:

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Wow she really is absolutely beautiful


  2. She looks so pretty in purple! I love her sweet sweet smile. It sounds like you all had a fun time.
