A's high school graduation was Friday night. Since this was my first time having a child graduate, its safe to say I underestimated the amount of work that goes into graduation and the grad party, especially since we also celebrated Cara's sixth birthday this weekend, too.
A got to receive her diploma from her grandpa, which was super special. :) He gave me my diploma, too.
Was so happy J went early to get a good spot in line. We were in the front row and I was able to capture this amazing shot.
And this one. So fun!
And special moments with friends.
And B was able to take this shot. I'm hardly ever in photos. :)
All three of my sweet loves:
I thought I might be emotional over the whole thing, but I really wasn't. The ceremony was short, the speeches were great, and I think it will be a beautiful memory for A. I know, however, I'm gonna bawl like a baby when we drop her off at WSU in August!
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